Unity in prayer at 6pm

Join us at 6pm to pray for WORLD PEACE!

It is in prayer that we become warriors of Our Lord.

Please set your phone alarms and any other alarms or
bells you may have available and STOP and say a prayer
for World Peace at 6pm. 

If we ask all our families and friends
to do the same thing at the same time we would be

storming heaven for PEACE.

It is with "Hand in Hand Combat" that we can win the war against evil.

Please join us and spread the word to all your friends on facebook to join us all in prayer.

If you are interested in getting a "Unity at 6" bracelet write us a note on our prayer request and we will mail it to you.  Presently we do have them in stock but they stock is getting low. If you would like to make a donation for expenses (not required to order) please send check to:

Good Shepherd Church
395 Garden Avenue
Mandeville, LA 70471

